Education and Research Training

MGPC staff and faculty members provide educational and research training programs to better understand the principles and significance of high-throughput functional genomics, proteomics, and computational genomics. The primary aim of MGPC’s education and research training is to engage and stimulate contemporary "outside of the box" thinking among our students about the burning translational research challenges which could be best addressed by genomic approaches.

MGPC also maintains a specific set of research related software that is available to GW SMHS faculty, staff, and students. MGPC staff hold regular Tool Open Houses. At each Open House staff demo a specific tool and answer questions from attendees on potential usage . The main goal is to increase the visibility of the MGPC software library available for GW SMHS faculty, staff, and students.

For information on the Open House schedule, Office hours or to schedule a time to use one of the software, please email: hadley_king [at] (hadley_king[at]gwu[dot]edu).

Below is a list of the software available:

  • Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA): IPA is a pathway and network analysis of complex omics data.
  • Partek Flow: Partek® Flow® is a start-to-finish software analysis solution for next generation sequencing data applications. It has an easy-to-use interface, robust statistical algorithms, information-rich visualizations, and cutting-edge genomic tools enabling researchers of all skill levels to confidently perform data analysis.

The center also organizes a lecture series inviting international experts to share their cutting-edge science. This forum also allows students to directly interact with pioneers in biochemistry to enrich their experience in emerging research trends.